We’re excited that you’re ready to take sessions with Note Dr, your personal medical AI to help write your clinical documentation! Follow these steps to start a session:
1. Click on the “New session” button on the top menu bar
2. Select a template from the “Select Template” dropdown menu. This template will structure your clinical notes according to your needs.

3. Enter a name for your session in the “Session Name” field, to help identify your session for later, or use the automatically generated name.

4. Click the “START SESSION” button, to begin securely recording your session with Note Dr.

5. Once you’ve finished your session, click the “FINISH” button and Note Dr will begin processing the audio.

6. After a few seconds (like magic) your clinical notes will be produced for your review.

7. Make any changes you need to the clinical notes within the text box.
8. Once you’re ready to share your clinical notes, you can hit “Copy Notes” to copy-and-paste your clinical notes into any patient management system.

Writing clinical letters, reports, treatment plans and more
As well as generating your clinical notes, Note Dr is also able to compose various other documentation, such as letters, reports, treatment plans and more.
1. Within the “? Letters, Reports & Documents” section, select the template you would like to use

2. Within a few seconds, the additional documentation for your session will be produced for you.

3. Again review the documentation and make any changes necessary within the text box.
4. Once you’re done, simply click “Copy Text” to copy-and-paste your documentation.

If you encounter any issues or have specific questions that are not covered in the user guide, our dedicated support team is here to help. We are committed to ensuring you have a smooth and productive experience with Note Dr. Happy documenting, and we look forward to supporting you in your clinical practice!